To date, in 2018, there have been 1,169 fatalities on Georgia’s roads. Last year (in 2017) this number reached 1,150. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as though this trend is slowing down.

The above figures don’t take into account the number of injury-causing accidents that have also accident damages

If you are ever involved in a car accident, where you suffer injuries of damages due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful act, then you may wonder what options you have. One of the best things you can do is hire a personal injury layer to help you receive the most car accident compensation possible. It may also be beneficial to learn about the types of damages you can recover. Keep reading to learn more.

Property Damages

When you are involved in a car accident, your vehicle usually suffers some type of damage. In some situations, other property you own is damaged, as well, such as the personal items you have inside the vehicle. If this happens, you have the right to receive car accident compensation for your damaged vehicle and other items.

The best way to prove property damage is with photographs you take at the scene of the accident, along with witness testimony. Repair bills from the auto shop are also beneficial in recouping your losses.

Medical Expenses

Medical costs associated with an accident can be extremely costly. Some of the bills you may face include your diagnosis, treatment costs and any time you spend in the hospital. Once you have received the initial diagnosis and your treatment, you may have to continue taking medication or going to physical therapy.

All these costs can be covered by the compensation you receive from the at-fault party.

Lost Wages

If you suffer a significant injury, you may have to spend time away from work to focus on your recovery. It’s at this time you will be missing out on your pay, along with opportunities for career advancement. Both of these things are determined when your attorney is trying to figure out how much money you deserve from the accident you were involved in.

Pain and Suffering

Damages for pain and suffering cover the non-tangible ways you suffer after being involved in an accident. For example, this may refer to your need for counseling so you can work through the mental issues that occur due to your accident, such as anxiety or depression related to getting behind the wheel again.

To determine the amount of compensation you should be paid for pain and suffering, the nature of the accident and the extent of the injuries must be considered.

Wrongful Death Damages

If you had a loved one who was involved in a car accident and passed away, then you may be able to receive compensation for wrongful death. This is something you should discuss with your attorney to figure out if this is possible.

If you have been involved in a car accident, and believe you deserve car accident compensation, the best thing you can do is contact a personal injury attorney. The lawyers at Schnipper Law, PC have the experience and ability to provide you with the legal representation you need to help you get the compensation you deserve. Learn more about these services or schedule a free consultation by contacting the legal staff at (404) 458-9507.

For More Information
How Long Do You Have to File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Georgia?

Car Insurance: How Do You Know if You Have Enough?